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Kettle River News

Thank you, to everyone who made the Kettle River City picnic a success. Even though the weather was cold and gray, many people came out and enjoyed visiting with others.

The Kettle River Fire department needs new firefighters and first responders. If you are able to fill these positions, contact the Kettle River City hall for more information.

Although the Holy Trinity quilters have taken time off for the summer, we would still appreciate

donations of fabric for when we again start quilting in September. You can contact Marcia at 218-273-4045 if you have fabric to donate.

The Ma & Pa Kettle Days meeting is 1 p.m. June 11. We need new ideas and volunteers to keep this organization working.

The next Kettle River city council meeting is 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 13 at the senior center.

One sunny summer day, a friend of my dad’s was driving down the highway when a carful of teenage boys decided to play a game with him. They would pass him and then slow down. When he would then pass them, they would again speed up, pass him, and slow down. They played this game for a while until my dad’s friend decided to teach them a lesson. Now, this man was an experienced stock car race driver, so he very slowly crept up onto their bumper and then started to accelerate. He was then pushing them and increasing his speed down the highway until he was going way over the speed limit before finally backing off. The boys then pulled off to the side of the road while he passed them for one last time. I wonder if they ever tried playing that game again.

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