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Wright/Cromwell news

Welcome to autumn. With the school year well under way, the students, teachers and parents are back on a schedule. So many things to do and remember for so many of you. And if you no longer have children at home, you have so many events to attend with your grandchildren.

Congratulations to Lillia Jordan of Willow River, who was chosen the Pine County Dairy Princess, representing Birch Creek Dairy. Her parents are Matt and Crystal (Suhonen) Peterson and Jesse and Jayme Jordan. Her grandparents are Doug and Bonnie Suhonen of Wright. Lillia wanted to become a dairy princess to show love to the dairy community and to spread dairy education.

If you find the time, feel free to visit the Cromwell-Wright School to walk around to see all the new changes to the inside of the building. The planners did a fantastic job with the choices they made. All the inside hallways are freshly painted, the floors have all been replaced with new tile or carpet. There are two student study areas, or lounges, one for high school and one in the elementary, bathroom improvements, and new lockers in the elementary.

When you do go to the school, you will need to enter by the main doors on the west side of the building, go to the secure entrance and visitors window, and they will let you in. This is to minimize people entering the building throughout the day, which will increase the safety of everyone.

The Cromwell Class of 1974 met for its 50th class reunion a couple weeks ago with 17 classmates able to attend.

The school extends thanks to Dollar General, an anonymous donor, Ruby’s Pantry, the Salvation Army and Tim Homstad for donating school supplies to the district. If you are in need of any school supplies for your students, contact the school office at 218-644-3737.

I will be leading worship at the Round Lake Presbyterian Church at 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28. It’s always great to be back with those folks and share my faith with them.

Volleyball parents night is Oct. 3. Consider helping the teams and the student council support Breast Cancer Awareness Month by donating an item or a basket for a silent auction. Items need to be at the school by Oct. 2. If you want more information, call Lea Tiili-Anderson at 218-348-8305 or Amy Granholm at 218-644-3716.

Former Cromwell and Wright Lutheran pastor Janeva Stromberg will lead worship Sept. 29 at Bethany. A potluck meal will follow the serivce.

Oh, by the way, I just named my cane “Larry.” You figure that out.

Have a great week. That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright and Cromwell Corner.

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