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Local nature writer, publisher, win book award

Stone Ridge Press and author Larry Weber recently won the prestigious silver Benjamin Franklin award from the Independent Book Publishers Association for Weber's latest book, "Web Watching: A Guide to Webs and the Spiders that Make Them" in the Nature & Environment category. Now in its 31st year, the indie book award program recognizes excellence in books published during the calendar year. From close to 1,500 entries, one gold winner and 2-3 silver winners were named in each category.

Weber is a well-known phenologist who lives in rural northern Carlton County. The retired high school science teacher is the author of many books on the natural history of the Northwoods. One of his specialties is spiders.

Wrenshall's Sparky Stensaas is the founder of Stone Ridge Press, which publishes regional and national outdoors and nature books. He is also the executive director of Friends of Sax-Zim Bog.