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Story train chugs along

Cloquet librarian Keiko Satomi said she was reading about the food train at B&B Market in Cloquet, along with stories about community members reading to kids online, when it occurred to her: Why not do a "Story Train by community helpers" online during the stay-at-home order? Satomi sent out a batch of emails and people obliged: already she has stories read by a doctor, a teacher, a farmer and a firefighter with more to come. The videos are posted on the library's new YouTube channel, along with other posts by librarian Justin Dinger with author talks and outdoor events. Satomi is also doing a storytime at 10:15 a.m. every Tuesday on Facebook Live and those are also posted to the YouTube channel. To find them, just search for Cloquet Public Library and subscribe or go to http://www.cloquetlibrary.org and find the story train link there. The city is also posting the stories to the CAT-7 cable access channel.

- Jana Peterson / Pine Knot News