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The Green Guy: I'm leaving, but SWCD works goes on

Goodbye. Maybe it’s just me, but “goodbye” seems reserved for formal occasions with suits and ties or when the end just can’t come soon enough. I much prefer the intentionally vague “until next time” which carries with it a likelihood, or at least opportunity, for paths to cross once more.

With that in mind, I say to you readers of Carlton County, “until next time.”

I am leaving the SWCD. This will be my last report to you on the happenings of the Carlton Soil and Water Conservation District, conservation highlights, and attempting to persuade everyone to pick up a broom and clean up a storm drain.

Fittingly with my sendoff, I want to share with you the district’s own farewell in memory of the past year. Otherwise known as our annual report. I hope to communicate the impressive impact the SWCD team has, and to give our efforts a moment of recognition, given that much of it happens outside the public eye.

The district had an office of seven people in 2019, and we operated a total of 247 days. Through our efforts in integrating management on private forests, renovating farm infrastructure, stabilizing private shorelines, and overseeing large public works projects to renovate streams and culverts, we ended up rejuvenating nearly two miles of stream and the bordering shoreline habitat, reconnecting 15 miles of streams for trout navigation, and saving 670 tons of sediment plus 656 tons of phosphorus from polluting our waterways while reducing future rates.

Not too shabby.

Overall, we assisted with 1,323 acres of private land and dedicated 87 percent of our efforts to more than 110 landowners and 12 community groups.

We also worked with the land-dwellers of the future. We engaged with about 450 students through local events in collaboration with four schools, giving a total of 31 classroom presentations, partnering with seven teachers, and hosting a high school video competition.

Education and engagement is important, but so is funding.

That’s why we also focus on funding assistance. We provided $748,729 to landowners while operating on a budget of $558,301. The SWCD is an efficient machine that really offers bang for its buck.

If you want to take a deep dive into all the planning and technical assistance we provide, find that and more in the actual report at carltonswcd.org.

I recommend you take the time to reach out to the office and just make a connection. Our service starts with a conversation, and it is there to serve you. Many thanks to my peers, our partners, the landowners, and this area in general. Bon voyage, everyone.

Chris Gass was the education and outreach coordinator for the Carlton Soil and Water Conservation District.