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Letter to the editor: Thankful for governor who looks out for us

In response to last week’s letter accusing the governor of trampling people’s “God-given” rights in the name of protecting them from the coronavirus, I’m sure glad the author doesn’t control my life. Because I want a life, post-pandemic.

Some folks who get Covid-19 and live will still struggle with long-lasting effects. They can get small blood clots that end up in the lungs, heart, liver and brain. Some have lost limbs and fingers because of this virus. Who knows what other long-term effects may come as a result of getting it? Is that the kind of life a person wants to live?

I want life, liberty and the right to pursue happiness in a healthy body, but I would have much less of a chance of that if I got the virus from someone who refuses to wear a mask or keep their distance to protect others.

Too many people today don’t actually listen to the news, they just ignore what they don’t want to hear. I say, read and actually try to learn instead of just complaining. We are blessed to have a governor who cares about all the people and not just himself. I’m glad our governor supports Minnesotans and the healthy development of our children, as well as our economy and our God-given rights to life as human beings.

Peggy Anderson,
