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Cloquet man faces sex crime charges

A Cloquet man was charged with first- and second-degree criminal sexual conduct stemming from an arrest warrant issued in November, after a young woman reported he allegedly assaulted her last spring, when both he and the victim were living with her guardian.

Timothy Scott Young Jr., 38, had his first hearing in Sixth District Carlton County Court on Jan. 13. He is charged with criminal sexual conduct, first degree, penetration with a victim under the age of 16, and second-degree criminal sexual conduct, significant relationship with a victim under 16 years old.

According to the criminal complaint, a 15-year-old girl called dispatch to report the alleged sexual assault by Young, in August 2020. In the interview, she said she went to a camper on the property where Young was living, looking for her friend and guardian’s daughter, and he asked her to stay and talk to him. When she went to leave, the victim said he blocked the door, and allegedly raped her and physically harmed her. When he stopped, she ran back to the house, afraid and scared. She said Young threatened to hurt her if she told anyone.

When she didn’t get her period that month, she told her guardian of the sexual assault. He told her if she wanted to report it, she had to do it herself. She did not report it at that time.

According to the criminal complaint, her guardian confirmed that he told her she would have to make the report, and said he observed the victim alone in the camper with Young a number of times. Young also acknowledged to police that he spent time with the victim, but denied sexually assaulting her.

Young was convicted of second-degree sexual assault of a child in Wisconsin in 2007 and is required to register as a predatory offender.

Bail for Young was set at $30,000 with conditions and $300,000 without conditions. Young is still in custody and has been appointed a public defender. He appeared in court Wednesday, Jan. 20, but his next court date — likely an omnibus hearing — has not been set yet.