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MNsure costs edging lower now

Minnesotans purchasing health insurance through MNsure are seeing increased savings thanks to recent changes to the Affordable Care Act made through the American Rescue Plan. MNsure is reminding Minnesotans in need of health insurance that they can sign up for coverage through July 16 through the marketplace’s special enrollment period.

“The new and expanded financial help available only through MNsure can help lower the cost of health insurance by hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year for Minnesota families,” said MNsure CEO Nate Clark. “On average, Minnesotans who already have a plan through MNsure are seeing their monthly premiums reduced by almost 20 percent, which means you can have the peace of mind that comes with having health insurance, while keeping more money in your pocket.”

Premiums will be lower for most people who are currently enrolled through MNsure. Minnesotans who already receive tax credits through MNsure are already seeing the increased savings on their monthly premiums. Minnesotans with household incomes that were previously too high to get financial help (such as individuals earning more than $51,040 a year or families of four earning more than $104,800 a year), will receive their new benefits this summer.

These new savings mean that most Minnesotans can find private insurance coverage through MNsure for less than $175 per month. Minnesotans who qualified for tax credits before the expansion (such as individuals earning up to $51,040 a year or families of four earning up to $104,800 a year) can typically find a plan under $70 per person. Visit MNsure.org to get an estimate of potential savings on comprehensive health insurance.

“If you’re uninsured or covered through a health insurance plan outside of MNsure, come check out your options and see what you can save. Most Minnesotans who purchased eligible individual or family coverage directly through Blue Cross Blue Shield MN, HealthPartners, Medica or Quartz can work with their insurer to see if they can move to a MNsure plan without losing the dollars already paid toward their 2021 deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums,” said Clark.

While Minnesotans who are not currently enrolled in a plan through MNsure, including those who are uninsured, have until July 16 to enroll in coverage, MNsure encourages consumers to not wait. Visit MNsure.org and click on "Get Help" and then on "Get free local help" for assistance in enrolling.