A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news

Our View

Thumbs up to our local veterans groups and their auxiliaries. Not only did they serve our country, many continue that tradition of service here at home. On Veterans Day, they offered food to fellow military veterans free of charge, and next week the DAV will serve Thanksgiving dinner to anyone who wants it, also free of charge. Veterans serving in the various Honor Guard groups around the county offer time and comfort through ritual for grieving families. They lead our parades, and they lead by example. Americans who have forgotten what it is like to put others above themselves would do well to emulate those who continue to give, even after great sacrifice.

Thumbs down to people who still aren’t vaccinated when they could be. We get it. You don’t care if you get sick, but please have a heart and care about the others you might sicken. Get vaccinated or wear a mask faithfully when you are in public indoors or visiting with vulnerable adults or children under 5 who can’t be vaccinated. It’s not even a sacrifice, it’s simply good manners.

Thumbs up to all the area sports teams for doing so well this fall. Last fall was a disappointment to many, with changed schedules, no travel to play better teams, and no postseason after the section tournaments. But Carlton County athletes seemed to have strived even harder this year to make up for lost time and it’s been a joy to watch. And best of luck to the Eskomos, who are the last Carlton County fall sports team still standing. Good luck Saturday!

Thumbs up to local elected officials. We know that you are getting more flack than usual, but we hope you won’t lose that desire to be on the school board, or city council, township board or county board. Thank you for your service.

At the same time, we also assert that criticism is healthy and often warranted, and public officials should be able to accept that. We like it when citizens take the time to educate themselves — provided they use proper sources for that research — and remember they are to attack ideas, not people.