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Wright-Cromwell News

It was 18 years ago Nov. 22 that my mom, Katharine Dahlman, suffered a stroke in her Southview Apartment. She spent the next five months in the Sunnyside nursing home before she died. Ironically, Lindsay Lally gave me a small painting of my mom’s when we were at the Bethany church bazaar Saturday — almost like a message from Mom. Mom had been at the Country Inn restaurant that morning and then went home to make her famous lemon meringue pies for the bazaar. She collapsed before the pies were done; fortunately, Mae Maruski happened to check on her and realized Mom had had a stroke. The ambulance was called and off she went to Cloquet. Someone must have realized the oven was on and turned it off, so the pie was saved. I still have a piece of that pie in my freezer as a memory of Mom. We will always miss her and her wonderful pies!

A school Covid update: We had several Covid exposures throughout the building this week, and exposed students were notified through email by the school messenger system. Please continue to screen your child for illness and report to the nurse when you have tested. Information is still viewable on the school website, http://www.isd95.org; or call the school nurse, Cheryl Metcalf, at 218-644-3716 ext. 4138 or email [email protected].

Yoga will meet 11 a.m.-noon Monday, Nov. 29 and Mondays in December at the Cromwell Pavilion. Yoga gear provided. $3 per session covers gear and Pavilion rental.

The Villa is looking for a hair stylist who could volunteer to set ladies’ hair from time to time. Just let Julie Hedin know, 218-644-3331.

There will be a community tree lighting ceremony and hayride at Bethlehem Lutheran in Wright starting at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 28. Kids and adults are welcome to attend.

Mark your calendar and plan on joining the New Year's Eve celebration Friday, Dec. 31 at the Cromwell Park Pavilion. There will be live music by The River Hill Rangers, hors d'oeuvres, a champagne toast, and dancing. Dress: semiformal. The event is sponsored by the Cromwell Area Community Club. More details to follow.

There will be music by Bill and Judy Haapoja 6-7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 29 at Villa Vista. Fully vaccinated folks are welcome to attend.

I now have my Christmas tree up and lit for the next month or two. I’ve been asked why I have it up so early, and I have to admit that I never took it down! It just wasn’t lit the rest of the year. Oh, it was on the floor, and now it’s up on a stand in front of our picture window.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright, have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving. Only four weeks until Christmas!

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