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Kettle River News

I wish more people would attend the city council meetings to hear about events affecting our city, the problems that are continuing, and the ripple effect on all the residents. Come to the next Kettle River city council meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9 at the council room for an update on what is happening with the water tower project and when it will be finished.

This is the time to register for the November election. There are several council positions that are up for election. It is important to get members onto the city council who want the best decisions made to make our city better and a great place to live.

This will be a busy time for me. I will be having a family reunion Sunday, Aug. 14. I hope some of the family will be able to stay for a few extra days and attend the Finnish Luncheon at noon Tuesday, Aug. 16 at the Kettle River senior center. This is always a great time to visit with friends we see only once a month.

The planning committee for Ma & Pa Kettle Days, which will be held Aug. 13, has been working on several events. I am really looking forward to seeing a variety of pies at the pie social. I have heard there will be rhubarb and also pumpkin pies there. Wonder how many other kinds of pie will show up for this event. We will need help with volunteers for some of the events. If you are willing to help this year, contact Dan Reed at 218-273-6103 or Marcia Sarvela at 218-273-4045, or send a note to Ma & Pa Kettle Days at P.O. Box 173, Kettle River MN 55757.

Members of the committee will be working with the city to get pedestrian crossing lines painted in several intersections.

Polls for the primary election for Silver Township will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9 at the Kettle River snowmobile club building. The city of Kettle River has mail-in voting, so everyone should make sure those ballots get mailed on time or drop them off at the courthouse.

Many years ago, I read an article about how you want to be remembered. Everyone asks children what they want to be when they grow up, but no one asks how you want to be remembered when you get older. Unfortunately, in the last year, I have met several individuals who appear to want to be remembered as the most obnoxious people in the world.

Maybe it is time for everyone to take a good look at themselves and ask, “How do I want to be remembered?”