A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news

Our View: Thumbs up, down

THUMBS UP to everyone who worked at or voted in Tuesday’s primary election. Voting is the cornerstone of democracy and works best when people actually vote (and of course, when voters are educated on the issues or candidates). Kudos to all of you for showing up. We look forward to seeing many more voters at the polls in November.

THUMBS UP to the various groups that used to do backpack and school supplies programs separately for joining together to serve students across the county in a collaborative effort. The first Carlton County Back to School BBQ and Backpacks event is planned for Saturday, Aug. 20, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cloquet’s Veterans Park. Children have to be pre-registered by Aug. 18; call the Salvation Army at 218-879-5447 or 218-879-1693 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

THUMBS DOWN to what has become a dearth of volunteers for community events. It’s not just a local problem, but it is an issue. People love their parades and festivities on a holiday or during a community celebration, but it can be difficult to get anyone to contribute time to make it happen. Volunteers make the world a better place for everyone, even themselves. Down with selfishness, up with giving time and energy.

THUMBS DOWN to people who are still driving the wrong way up Eighth Street when they’re headed to the delightful and very popular Pedro’s restaurant. Worse yet are those who park the wrong way. We hope diners will be more considerate of the neighborhood when supporting one of our local businesses, and resign themselves to parking somewhere other than the adjacent street if they’re able.

THUMBS UP to vocal citizens and teachers. Many city council and school board meetings are attended by only elected officials, staff and media. It’s good when citizens (and teachers) get involved in local government by expressing their opinions. It’s also good when elected officials listen to those people.

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