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Kettle River news

Congratulations to all the prize winners at the Nov. 4 Kettle River American Legion rifle drawing.

The Ma & Pa Kettle Days Christmas vendor event and tree lighting will take place at 4 p.m. Dec. 10 at the Kettle River Veterans Building. Maybe Santa will make an appearance, lured by juice and cookies. Come and shop, visit with neighbors and see the tree lighting. I am sure that there is also going to be a bake sale.

Winter snow parking rules have begun. There is no parking on city streets from midnight to 8 a.m. Nov. 15 through April 15 to allow plows to clear the streets.

Quilting at Holy Trinity is every Wednesday from 9 am until noon.

Sympathies to the family of Betty Jane Reed, who passed away on Nov. 6.

Sympathies to the family of Mardell Marsyla, who passed away Oct. 30.

Years ago, I started writing some of my memories. Some of them were helped by looking at the old pictures and remembering that incident. I did a lot of research on some of the family history. On one occasion, I wrote what I remembered and took that to a family gathering and had other members add what I missed and they remembered. I started the first book for my mother’s 90th birthday, then I did another for my aunt’s 80th birthday and one for my sister’s 70th birthday. Each book got bigger as I made one for each of my siblings as well as my own. When my mother died, her book was given to my oldest grandchild. I still add some things to my own book, but have many more things to add.