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History mystery: Rooting for the home team tot

This was a fun photo we found while researching information on a story this past week. This photo is from the Carlton County News Graphic, dated Feb. 16, 1951.

You'll find out that when digging for historic nuggets that information on women is always the most difficult to find, because names change from birth names. And to add insult, most women in newspaper archives are listed only as a Mrs. to their husband's first and last name.

So your task this week is to tell us what became of the girls in this photo. Maybe a name changed. Maybe one became a big deal. Is Mary Buff Benson still charming audiences?

What follows is the photo caption from 71 years ago. We aren't sure if the far right cheerleader's name was a misprint or not, as the copy was difficult to read. If you have any information on the people in the picture, send it along, with "History" in the subject line, to news@PineKnot News.com.

"Little Mary Buff Benson, 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benson, Cloquet, stole the show at last Friday night's basketball game. The tiny cheerleader, who is undismayed by crowds of fans, galloping players, or late hours, is shown here with Ronnie Rae Cole, Shirley Bodie, Arlene Ahlgren, Donna Huard, and Darlene Rosbaekn, all CHS cheerleaders."