A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news

Kettle River news

If you would like to be a food or merchandise vendor at Ma & Pa Kettle Days on Saturday, Aug. 12, send your name, address, phone number and type of product you have to me at P.O. Box 175, Kettle River MN 55757.

Thank you to all the volunteers who set up the library book sale, all the volunteers who helped during the sale and all the volunteers who helped clean up after the sale. A special thanks to all who donated books for the sale and all those who purchased books and were so generous with their donations.

One day while my father was in Chicago, he accidentally went the wrong way down a one-way street and got stopped by the police. Unfortunately, he didn’t have his driver’s license with him and was taken to the police station. He asked for a phone book so he could call a friend. When he opened the phone book, he started running his finger down the list saying, “Capone, Capone, Capone.” The police asked him what he was doing. He said, “I’m looking for my friend Al. He said if I was ever in Chicago, I should give him a call.” The police slammed the phone book closed and let him go. I later asked Dad if he really knew Al Capone. He said no, but the police didn’t know that.