A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news
I want to congratulate the person at the Pine Knot News for the literate, creative headline on the story about the ice plant at the Cloquet arena: “Arena ice suffers mortal coil problem.”
The term “mortal coil” rang a bell, but I had to Google it to find out where it came from. Shakespeare’s Hamlet says it in his soliloquy on suicide: “What dreames may come, When we have shufflel’d off this mortall coile, Must give us pause.” Despite the connection with those unhappy thoughts, I’m impressed with the originality, inventiveness, and respect for its readers that the paper and its staff show.
Kerry Rodd also deserves credit for his fine writing at the paper.
Alan Peterson,
Editor’s note: The headline writer was page designer and reporter Mike Creger.