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Kettle River honors longtime community helpers

Next weekend, Aug.11-13, Kettle River will mark the 36th celebration of Ma & Pa Kettle Days. Started in 1985, the theme of this year's gathering is "Our work is never Finn-ished," in a nod to the many Finnish descendants in the area.

The grand marshal for this year is Sam Huhta of Automba, accompanied by his wife Linda. Also recognized for their commitment to community is the new Ma & Pa Kettle: Mark and Tina Tollgaard of the city of Kettle River.

Huhta was raised in Rice River Township in Aitkin County and attended first grade in McGregor. He was formally named Arvid Huhta Jr., after his father. In Finnish the name Arvid means a "friendly spirit." He remembers his father made a living driving a milk truck, hauling milk from the farms in 10-gallon cans to the creamery. In the afternoon his father would take the milk box off and haul a load of wood to the Cloquet mills.

Erie Mining started building a taconite facility in Hoyt Lakes in 1955 and Sam's family moved there for work. Huhta graduated from high school at Aurora-Hoyt Lakes and married Linda, whose family was also there for job opportunities.

Huhta was drafted into the U.S. Army for service in Vietnam, about 14 months, and was assigned to the artillery. He said he wore out two Howitzer barrels while in the thick of battle.

As a union carpenter, Huhta worked specializing in bridge construction all over the Midwest and even in New Orleans for a time, where he says he was "a Finn out of his element." Sam and Linda lived for a time in Esko but then settled in Automba in 1973, raising three children.

"I was involved in a lot of stuff," Huhta said about his commitment to the community. "For some reason people trusted me and I was asked to be in many organizations and projects."

He is still active in the Barnum American Legion Post and spends several days out of the year fundraising and helping with causes in the community. Huhta has been a Mason for almost 50 years. He was one of many construction workers that worked on the event center at the Moose Lake Area Historical Society.

He served in several capacities for 30 years on the Automba Township board and continues to be the township representative on the Kettle River fire department's citizen fire commission. He was on the Barnum school board and is still on the Carlton County Planning Commission.

He is proud of helping in the move and renovation of the Kalevala cultural center and church, along with the 1918 fire Red Cross shack. Sam worked on the First Finnish Methodist Church monument and the Automba Park Centennial Pavilion. He helped out when needed for the 75th and 100th anniversary of Automba Township.

He said he enjoys quietly helping neighbors. "That's what we are here for," Huhta said. Most of Sam and Linda's time is spent with the grandchildren and watching them succeed. Linda said the proudest award they have gotten was from the kids and grandkids when they got a sign for "Ma & Pa


Sam said he was surprised at the recognition because he always thought that this type of recognition was for old people. "And here I am," he said, smiling.

Ma & Pa Kettle

Tina and Mark Tollgaard noted they were surprised but honored to be Ma & Pa Kettle for this year's Kettle River celebration. Married for almost 30 years, Tina was born and raised in the Kettle River area while Mark came to work at the Carlton County Co-op Power Association in 1988 after working for the company in Floodwood and then Saginaw.

Mark is originally from Floodwood but said he and his wife love the Kettle River area and its people. Mark said he feels just as at home here as he did growing up in Floodwood.

Mark was on the fire department for most of 20 years. He said it is important to have that service not only for public safety but it also helps save on homeowner's insurance. He liked the camaraderie with the guys he trained with at the department and the work done in response when fires struck.

Steak fry gatherings during Ma & Pa Kettle Days was a good fundraiser for the fire department, he said, adding that it showed the support of the community for the department's work. Presently Mark is on the Kettle River Planning and Zoning Commission. He has been a Star Club member for many years.

Tina was on the Kettle River City Council for 23 years and served on numerous committees.

Both both have been active in volunteering in Ma & Pa Kettle activities over the years. Tina and Mark both helped organize and supported the mud bog when it was in Kettle River. Tina said it was a big commitment helping plan each year's event.

"Planning for the next year's event started the day after the last one was completed," she said.

Tina said helping with Ma & Pa Kettle events was a family activity. Her mother Bernice ordered T-shirts and staffed the booths selling memorabilia. She was at all meetings throughout the year. Tina's grandma Elsie excelled at selling raffle tickets. She remembered Elsie sold more than 400 tickets in a single season. Tina said her family was large and each family member was expected to buy at least one raffle ticket.

"We are not only honored to be picked as this year's Ma & Pa, but we are truly honored to be recognized in the same year that Sam Huhta is grand marshal," Mark said.


Three days of events

Ma & Pa Kettle Days kicks off Friday, Aug. 11, when The Star Club at 6350 Hwy. 27, Kettle River, hosts the steak fry this year starting at 4 p.m.

There's a whole day of fun Saturday, Aug. 12.

Start the day with a pancake feed at 8 a.m. at the senior center at the Kettle River firehall, where Hope Lutheran church is doing the cooking.

After pancakes, the stationary parade runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Also known as a standstill parade, it resembles the midway at a fair, organizers said. Stroll along the sidewalks in Kettle River and visit with the businesses, vendors and services of the area. The goal of the Ma & Pa Kettle committee is to showcase the strengths of the area.

Enjoy the homemade pie social from noon to 2 p.m. at the senior center, followed by cash bingo from 3-5 p.m. at the Veterans building. Several food vendors are also coming Saturday.

On Sunday, Aug. 13, come for "An afternoon with writer Mark Munger" at the Suomalainen Kirkko, also called the Kalevala Cultural Center, at 2 p.m. No admission charge.

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