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Poster contest open to teens

Carlton County students who will be 11, 12 or 13 years old on Nov. 15 are invited to enter the 2023-2024 Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest for free. This year’s contest theme is “Dare to Dream.”

“We would love to feature our young artists of Carlton County,” said Lions club member Joel Soukkala. “This could turn out to be a wonderful opportunity for an area youth on an international level.”

The Carlton Area Lions Club and Encore! Performing Arts Center and Gallery are sponsoring the local poster contest. Register and see contest rules online at countyseattheater.com/art-gallery or stop by the theater at 2035 Hwy 33 South (Frontage Road) Cloquet.

Poster board is available upon request. Entry deadline is Oct. 27; posters must be turned in at the Encore.

There will be a special art reception 6-7 p.m. Nov. 4 at the Encore with an awards presentation at 6:45 p.m. One piece will be awarded top honors and move on to the district poster contest, where one piece will continue to advance to the international level.

Contact Soukkala at 218-451-0715 or [email protected].