A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news
Friday, Aug. 6
French toast and sausage with warm apples, blueberry fluff
Aug. 7-8
Frozen meals available
Monday, Aug. 9
Twisted taco, pudding with topping
Tuesday, Aug. 10
Pork loin chop, rhubarb custard dessert
Wednesday, Aug. 11
chicken, fruit
Thursday, Aug. 12
Penne with Italian sausage, fresh fruit
Friday, Aug. 13
Hamloaf or alternative entrée (call 24 hours in advance to order), chocolate marble cake
Call the Senior Center, 218-879-5870, from your car for curbside meal pickup. Meals are served Monday-Friday at 11:30 a.m. Registered customers are offered meal service for a $4 contribution, $7.50 for under age 60. Menus subject to change without notice. AEOA is a private, nonprofit, nongovernmental agency.