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Letters to the Editor: Newspapers shouldn't mandate

I have to write and say that the editorial, “Choices have consequences” in the Feb. 11 Pine Knot News was just that — your opinion. The word discrimination gets used a lot of ways just like, say, liberal and conservative. Making people get shots which are not true vaccines, wear masks and test often. It’s also a form of bullying, control, fear or trying to use peer pressure. Discrimination has more meanings than your one Google online source: distinguish, differentiate, exposing differences and making distinctions.

Not everyone believes in the shots and tests but all most of us are asking is to just be left alone, not treated special. People need to look at all the sources and all the health issues going on that are hurting people because of allergies, heart, lung and menstrual issues, and more.

When are doctors going to try and treat people after they test positive instead of just sending you home and say “stay hydrated and come back if you have a fever or your oxygen level goes too low.”

There are drugs to help you. When will the news start covering more of these issues and stop mandating?

Ron Eng, Wrenshall