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Wright/Cromwell news

My week off from chemo seemed to be the longest week in a while because once you are on a weekly infusion schedule, taking a week off seems weird. But now I am back on a regular schedule for three more weeks. The infusions go well now that I have a port for the blood draws and infusions, so I’m back on track.

I did shave my head before the last treatment as there was so much hair all over the house you would have thought I had a dog or cat here. Anyway, I got a wig and since I always wear a hat or a cap, it’s not much different from how I usually look.

One of the main side effects of chemo is loss of taste. Everything tastes so blah. Even coffee is not good, so I drink a lot of water, which is better for me anyway. Now it’s just waiting for the tumor to shrink, and possible surgery later on this summer.

The next Young Old Timers meeting and lunch will be on Tuesday, June 13, at the Cromwell Pavilion with a potluck meal at noon followed by entertainment from MaryRose Varo and then a short business meeting. New folks are always welcome to attend and meet your friends and neighbors.

The United Methodist Church of Cromwell is hosting a community event at the Cromwell Park Pavilion Saturday, June 17 with a 4 p.m. worship, 5 p.m. meal, and entertainment by the Keystones.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright.

Remember: “You can grow through what you go through.”

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