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Wright/Cromwell news

The Harvest Fest last weekend in Cromwell seemed to be a huge success. Thanks to all the volunteers and attendees. And they had the most unusual parade this year. There was only one unit this year. But it sure was special, as the grand marshal, Jon Swenson Sr., accompanied by his family, was on an old-fashioned wagon with sides, and it was pulled by an old Ford tractor. Jon sure deserved this honor!

The United Methodist Church in Cromwell is having a special event at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 16: Church and Chili will include a bonfire fire and lots of music and fellowship. All area folks are encouraged to attend this special community event.

The Cromwell Class of 1953 held its 70th reunion on Sept. 9 at the Cromwell Park Pavilion. There were eight classmates in attendance.

The Cromwell Class of 1963 met at the pavilion in Cromwell on Sept. 9 for its 60th reunion. There were six members in attendance, Patty Johnson Lund, Judy Anderson Johnson, Aine Tamminen Merrill, Ervin Pettit, Tom Peterson and yours truly.

Bethany and Bethlehem confirmation classes will begin soon. Classes will be held on Wednesdays after school at Bethany. All area students are welcome to attend. There is a meeting for parents of seventh- and eighth-graders at 6 p.m. on Sunday.

Sports pictures will be taken at the school on Sept. 21, elementary pictures on Oct. 3, high school pictures on Oct. 4, and makeup photos on Oct. 26.

The Kettle River Conference Women of the ELCA fall gathering will be held on Sept. 30 at Bethany Lutheran Church in Cromwell. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Myrna Kempi Wells Ulland will be the guest speaker.

The Women of Bethlehem Lutheran in Wright will be holding a rummage sale on Oct. 6 and 7, so you can start collecting your donations. Be sure the items are in good condition and still useful.

The Cromwell Wright middle school students are fundraising for a trip to Washington, D.C. July 25-28. Donations can be sent to Cromwell Wright School, PO Box 7, Cromwell MN 55726. Put "Washington Trip" on the memo line.

I had an angel come to my house last week. She scrubbed my floors and vacuumed the rugs and cleaned a bathroom and the laundry room. I am so thankful for friends like this. Also, thanks for all the meals, and cards of encouragement that keep coming in my mail. You are very thoughtful for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

Believe it or not: A few weeks ago, I was sitting in my recliner in the living room when something very unusual happened. I have an old-fashioned clock on the wall, which Bob could see from his hospital bed. It hasn't worked since he died on Oct. 1. Well, it started working, and I heard it chime seven times, and then about an hour later it chimed again. It is battery-operated, so how could it just start working? And even more unbelievable, the time on the clock is correct, and has been correct ever since. The chimes haven't sounded since that day, but the clock keeps perfect time. I'm thinking that this is a message from Bob somehow, since "seven" rhymes with "heaven," and I know that's where he is.

That's all the news from the Edge of Wright. Hope you had a great weekend celebrating.