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Kettle River News

The Ma & Pa Kettle Days committee met May 25 to plan for this year’s event, planned for Saturday, Aug. 13. Look for more information on what will be happening.

Plan to attend the next city council meeting at 7 p.m. June 14 so you know what is happening. We need everyone to attend these meetings so they can understand why we have such legal fees that we don’t have the funds for and other needs such as filling in potholes.

With road construction starting and a detour of Minnesota Highway 73, it may be a problem for some of the Cromwell people to get to the Finnish Luncheon at noon June 21 at the Kettle River senior center. We hope everyone will again have a chance to visit with friends. Last month everyone was excited to again meet all those friends they haven’t seen all winter.

Holy Trinity and Faith Lutheran churches will have a sale from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, June 3, at the Kettle River Veterans Building. There will also be a bake sale and plant sale along with all those other treasures. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the organization’s various local, national and international charity events.

With all the warm weather, people are looking for those plants. I have heard that many of the greenhouses have a limited supply of plants since so many have already picked them over. If you still haven’t picked up seedlings, you will find some at the plant sale.

Teachers are looking for children’s books in good condition to supply the Little Red Schoolhouse books at the Moose Lake food shelf. So, if you have some you can donate to this cause, they will be appreciated. For more information, contact Mary Sanders.

My great-grandfather’s grandfather and father were Lutheran ministers. He was one of 13 children. The eight boys all became Lutheran ministers. Four of them came to the U.S. and the other four remained in Germany. Of the five girls, three married Lutheran ministers and the other two never married. My great-grandfather had four children. Two of the boys became Lutheran ministers and several of his grandchildren also became Lutheran ministers.

Marcia Sarvela is a resident of Kettle River and can be reached at [email protected] or 218-273-4045.

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